Small Dog Training Classes With One-On-One Support In Godalming

Britain is a more dog-friendly country than ever before. For starters, there's more pubs and holiday accommodation for those travelling with their furry friends.

Many towns and cities also now have parks and designated areas for dog walking. Surrey has many wonderful places to take your four-legged pal.

Training classes and obedience schools are also widely available if you want to ensure your pets are well-behaved and obedient. Canine Kids appears at many venues across Surrey including Godalming to deliver exceptional training for dogs of all ages. That includes puppy socialisation classes that are ideal for little-one aged 8 weeks and upwards.

The UK has strict legislation related to dog ownership, including the Dangerous Dogs Act which regulates certain breeds deemed to be dangerous. There are also laws related to dog microchipping, licensing, and responsible ownership.

Training your dog in Godalming should be fun but effective.

Owning a dog comes with responsibilities, including ensuring your pet is well-behaved. Most of us also don't like living with a poorly behaved dog.

Because our dog training classes are small, you'll have plenty of one-on-one support. We can also offer training in your home in Godalming if needed.

Find out more about our dog training classes in Godalming or give us a call for more information.

Please click here to read our previous article.

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