Ready To Begin Your Dog's Training In Fleet, Hampshire?

We want our dog to become one of our best friends. Unfortunately, you can only forge a great relationship with them with the correct training. Many new-time owners learn this the hard way by neglecting training and run into all kinds of issues, from biting and jumping up to stealing food.

The latest ban on American XL bully dogs is a reminder of the extreme consequences of bad behaviour. Whether you've welcomed a chihuahua, Labrador or Dalmatian to your home in Fleet, it's crucial they receive consistent training.

Training is a lifelong process which is not only important for improving a dog's behaviour but providing mental stimulation. It's vital for your pet's happiness and wellbeing.

When should I start training my puppy in Hampshire?

When training any dogs, it's best to start as early as possible (ideally at 8 weeks of age). Positive reinforcement is key, and it's vital to understand that dogs don't misbehave for no reason.

Canine Kids's puppy training classes in Fleet will ensure your pet learns all the basics. Dogs are not only different breeds but all have varying personalities. Since our classes are always kept small, you and your dog will receive plenty of one-on-one support.

Find out more about our dog training classes in Fleet, Hampshire. Or contact us for more information.

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