Why Come Along To Our Dog Training Classes In Surrey?

Just like children, dogs don't arrive in the world knowing the rules. They have to learn them to become sociable, well behaved and enjoyable to be around.

The best time to start training with any dog is as soon as possible (usually 8 weeks after birth), when their mind is at its most malleable. However, contrary to misconceptions, you can teach your dog new tricks at any age.

Training your dog will not only make your life easier, it will also make your pet happier. Dogs like to know where they stand and find it stressful if they receive mixed messages. It's crucial that all your household enforce the same rules to ensure this doesn't happen.

Build a strong relationship with your furry friend in Surrey.

A well trained dog has a better relationship with their owners. This takes time and it's arguably a continual process over the course of a lifetime. Our chief instructor Karen is highly qualified and has a BSc (Hons) Animal Behaviour & Biomedical Science and DipCABT.

She is also a Member of The Association of Pet Dog Trainers and a Member of The Animal Behaviour & Training Council.

Canine Kids runs a variety of classes at venues throughout Surrey, making it easy to train your dog at any level. Whether you're seeking one-to-one or group training, we would love to welcome you this summer.

Find out more about our dog training classes in Surrey or contact us today.

Please click here to read our previous article.

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