When to Bring your Puppy to Training Classes in Surrey

Like human babies, puppies are born helpless; however, they grow up much quicker than us. Your puppy should be ready to start training as early as 8 weeks of age.

Ideally, they should be with their mother until 8 weeks of age, or slightly longer if possible. 'Potty training' can also begin at 8 weeks, and is obviously one of the most important processes for dog owners!

They can start simple training as soon as they arrive home, although it's best to keep it brief at first, and to always keep it positive. The first of the senses puppies develop is their sense of touch. They reach their full size between 12 to 24 months and smaller dog breeds mature faster than larger ones.

Canine Kids hold puppy training classes at various venues in Surrey, which are suitable for dogs aged 18 weeks and under.

We also have classes available in Hampshire, along with 1-1 behaviour counselling available.

Puppy training classes in Surrey include those in Camberley, Farnham, Godalming and Guildford. All sessions are led by highly qualified trainers who are passionate about helping dog owners form a strong connection with their pet.

If you're interested in our puppy training classes in Surrey, drop us a line for more details.

Please click here to read our previous article.

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