Prevent Bad Behaviour With Our Dog Training In Fleet, Hampshire

Did you know that canine behavioural problems have been on the rise?

Six in 10 vets surveyed by the welfare charity PDSA (for its annual Paw report on pet wellbeing) reported a rise in canine behavioural problems. The most common problems were jumping up, barking and whining, or showing distress when left alone. If you're been having issues with your dog in Fleet, Hampshire, you're certainly not alone.

In the last two years in particular, they've reported a worrying rise in dogs growling, snapping, biting or showing other signs of fear.

Nine out of 10 pet groomers, kennel owners and doggy daycare staff surveyed by the Pet Industry Federation also said they were seeing more unruly behaviour from the dogs they look after.

Why join our training classes in Fleet, Hampshire?

Dog training is vital for the happiness of your pet and everyone in your household. It's best to start as early as possible, although it's a myth that 'old dogs can't learn new tricks'.

Many people during the pandemic said they didn't think enough about buying a dog before welcoming them to their family. However, dog ownership ballooned during this time. The UK's canine population surged from around nine million to more than 12 million between 2019 and 2021. This included a large number of inexperienced first-time owners buying a puppy.

Neglecting training is one of the biggest mistakes you can make if you become a new dog owner.

Using kind, non-dominance based techniques, Canine Kids can help make training fun, enjoyable and effective.

Find out more about our dog training in Fleet, Hampshire. Or simply contact our team for more information.

Please click here to read our previous article.

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