Fun, Educational And Effective Dog Training Classes In Guildford

It was once written that, 'Your dog is not being a problem, your dog is having a problem.' An aggressive or badly behaved dog is almost always expressing their sense of fear or frustration. One reason training fails is because owners don't realise how important their own role is. You might have watched programs like 'It's Me or the Dog' and seen how lack of consistent training is the main issue.

Dog training classes are brilliant for socialising a puppy and getting them used to new situations- including other dogs.

Guildford is just one of the locations covered by our instructors in Surrey, with our classes including:

  • Puppy Socialisation Classes (CkPup1) designed for puppies aged 8 to 18 weeks. This uses a combination of socialisation, training, solving puppy problems and preventing behaviour problems in the future.
  • Adult/adolescence classes (CkDog1) for puppies aged 18 weeks and over.
  • Intermediate classes for puppies and dogs that have completed CkPup1 and CkDog1.

Whether you're welcoming a puppy to your household in Surrey or have an older rescue dog with behavioural problems, Canine Kids love working with pet owners of all backgrounds. All sessions are led by instructors with a wealth of experience and all the qualifications you should expect from experts in dog training.

Find out more about our dog training classes in Guildford or don't hesitate to contact us for more information.

Please click here to read our previous article.

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