Dog Training Using Kind, Effective Methods In Surrey

Having issues with your dog chewing furniture, chasing the cat or begging for food?

It's vital not to just leave such problems to grow and fester. Otherwise, they're end up lasting for years to come.

Consistent messages from all members of your household is crucial if you want your dog to abide by the rules. However, it's important not to use dominance based methods, like choker leads, to train your furry friend. These have damaging effects on your dog, and have no basis in science. Instead, reward-based methods are much more effective.

Training should start when the dog is a puppy, or as soon as you welcome them to your home.

Canine Kids is passionate about ensuring your dog grows up to be a well-behaved and happy member of your family. We can also make sure they’re confident around strangers and other dogs.

Our qualified and experienced instructors in Surrey work with you to ensure your dog is well-trained.

We never use dominance theories to train your dog, which instil fear in animals. Instead, we use reward-based and clicker training.

Canine Kids offers a variety of training classes, workshops and one-to-one sessions in Surrey. From behaviour counselling to puppy socialisation and agility training, there's courses to suit all requirements. No matter if your dog lives in an urban or rural area, we will help you combat any issues you come across.

If you're interested in our dog training in Surrey, don't hesitate to contact us for more details.

Please click here to read our previous article.

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