Delivering Quality Dog Training in Godalming

Find out more about how we can help you with 1-1 puppy training in Camberley

How easy dog training will be depends on the breed, age and temperament of your pet.

Although it's obviously better to begin training earlier, it's a myth that you can't 'teach old dogs new tricks'. Dogs are capable of learning throughout their entire lives, so age is not a barrier to acquiring new skills and behaviours.

According to recent research, the most popular dog breeds in the UK are currently the French Bulldog, Labrador Retriever, Cocker Spaniel, Dachshund, Bulldog, Springer Spaniel, Golden Retriever, Pug and German Shepherd.

One of the reasons Labradors are so popular is that they are easy to breed and are famous for being family pets.

Whatever breed of dog you have, Canine Kids welcome pet owners from all walks of life to our classes in Surrey.

Our dog training in Godalming takes place in a relaxed and calm setting, where it's great to meet other dog owners.

Canine Kids specialises in behaviour counselling and training dogs at all ages, with our solutions including puppy socialisation. All classes are based on the latest research, vet-recommended and only deploy kind methods. We never use dominance-based training, which is an outdated approach which has been proven to be harmful.

Find out more about our dog training classes in Godalming or contact our team for more information.

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