Connect With Our Puppy Socialisation Specialists In Surrey

If you want your puppy to grow into a calm and well-behaved adult, it's important they're socialised early.

Puppy socialisation classes will help ensure your dog is comfortable in all sorts of situations, from walking in the park and the street, to welcoming visitors at home. Early socialisation means they're less likely to react in fear or aggression.

Without this type of training, your dog could end up fearful in unfamiliar situations. This can make them more unpredictable.

Our puppy socialisation specialists in Surrey love helping your dog grow into a confident adult.

Whether you're welcome a Labrador, pug or spaniel, we train dogs using the kindest methods only. We never use dominance training to teach your puppy. This type of training is not only ineffective and scientifically moot, it can make your dog fearful and nervous- the exact opposite of what you want to achieve.

Our puppy classes include controlled off-the-lead socialising. Not only can your dog get used to being around other animals, it's a great way to meet other dog owners. You'll receive a course booklet and clicker to get you started. We can create incredible results in the space of only 4 weeks.

If you're looking for puppy socialisation specialists in Surrey, simply contact our team for more information.

Please click here to read our previous article.

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