Based In Hampshire And Looking For Puppy Training Classes?

According to recent figures, around 13 million pets in the UK are dogs, meaning that 34% of us have a pooch in our home. It's safe to say that we love our canine friends. Along with cats, they're the most popular type of pet in this country.

One of the best ways to show your dog love is to ensure they get the required training. This will ensure you forge a strong and enduring relationship with your pet.

As with teaching a child, it's best to start puppy training classes as soon as possible. If you're based in Surrey or Hampshire, Canine Kids would love you to join us at the many venues we teach at.

We only ever use reward-based methods which science tells us is the best way for dogs to learn.

Training with rewards is obviously fun, but it also helps build a positive bond between dog and owner. owners that train using rewards report fewer behaviour problems in their dogs.

Dogs Trust has found that owners who use rewards for training report fewer behaviour problems in their pets. It's also the best way to keep your dog's mind active.

No matter if you're welcoming a baby Labrador, Dachshund or Border Collie to your home in Hampshire, our classes are a great way to kick-off their training.

Find out more about our puppy training courses in Hampshire or don't hesitate to contact our team for more information.

Please click here to read our previous article.

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