Based In Beautiful Surrey? Join Our Dog Classes For First-Class Training

Dogs love spring as much as we do, and are likely to be keen to get out the house. Bring them to our training classes in Surrey and you can start the new season on a positive note. We have many sessions coming up, including our 4 week puppy training course.

Canine Kids is dedicated to meeting your dog training needs and tackling any behavioural issues before they become a big problem.

We work with dogs of all ages, from puppies and adolescents, throughout to older rescues dogs. Whether you're after foundational classes or intermediate and advanced training, Canine Kids has a highly qualified team in Surrey.

Our training classes in Surrey help your dog avoid common problems, overcome fears, and boast the bond between you and your pet.

Part of the Association of Dog Trainers, our chief instructor is highly qualified, with a BSc (Hons) Animal Behaviour & Biomedical Science, DipCABT. She is also a member of The Association of Pet Dog Trainers and The Animal Behaviour & Training Council.

Our classes take place in venues across Surrey, including Camberley, Farnham, Puttenham and Milford, so it's easy to find one near you. Why not find out more about where and when our latest sessions take place?

If you're looking for quality training classes in Surrey, don't hesitate to contact us for more information.

Please click here to read our previous article.

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